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How our chiropractors diagnose spinal conditions and spinal degeneration on xray imaging?

The importance of radiology imaging in chiropractic treatment plans…

  • Radiology Imaging procedures can be an integral part of chiropractic diagnostic procedures. 
  • Our chiropractors use X-ray images to help determining the health of your spine.
  • Imaging will show any misalignment in the vertebrae and spine, and our chiropractors demonstrate and explain this is detail on your report of findings appointment report.
  • X-rays can increase the safety and accuracy of your chiropractic care, and help to determine the right course of treatment and management program for you.
  • We offer 100% bulk billed radiology imaging (xray) when referred  by of our chiropractors. We can provide a referral form to any local radiology clinic, ie Capital Radiology Balaclava or Elsternwick, MIA Caulfield, Capital Connect Caulfield North.  

degenerative disc injury chiropractors balaclava VIC

Our chiropractors can organise bulk billing for you under Medicare, for all patients with a current medicare care card. 

If X-rays are required you will be referred to a local radiology clinic in Balaclava or Elsternwick.  

​Please ask one of our ChiroCure Clinic chiropractors to provide you with a referral next time you visit the clinic in StKilda or Elwood.

Our chiropractors take a thorough approach to your case, to help ensure that you will be provided with the highest standard of chiropractic care

​Based on the nature of your condition as well as a number of other factors, x-ray studies of your spine or injured body part may be required to identify subtle abnormalities of the spine, as well as more serious pathologies and the level of degeneration / nerve irritation present. 

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